Projekt von
Laura Volumnia Gorni
João Nunes, João Gomes da Silva
The project is an archipelago of public spaces. It is a system of islands that establishes a new spatial configuration of the landscape, acting in time. The Island of Klybeck re-emerges from the excavation of the filled embankment, creating a park. Nostalgia does not dig out the gravel but the need for a public park which reorientates a new relation to the bathing river. The transformation of the area is carried out as a continuous process: from the establishment of initial favourable conditions by the construction of a structural topographical system, to its gradual shaping by the river flow, with a system of pilings to trap the sediments, favouring the natural growth of the island and creating a riparian ecosystem in a spontaneous process, guided by time. The materials excavated are also reused in a system of public topographies that will articulate the ground floors of the new buildings in the harbour docks, constituting a built archipelago with public and transparent ground floors.